What are The Challenges of Protecting Historic Buildings from Fires?

Protecting historic buildings from fires requires an innovative team to overcome the unique challenges associated with safeguarding these important structures. These teams typically consist of fire protection engineers, designers, historic preservation specialist, structural engineers, authority having jurisdiction, building manager etc. Some of the most common challenges in protecting historic buildings from fires become apparent when the building requires a fire protection system upgrade.

Historical Preservation

Maintaining the buildings historic character and exceptionally crafted features while providing adequate fire protection is no small feat. This requires the fire protection experts and the historic preservation team to work closely together. Unfortunately, the project is challenging at times since the fire protection expert’s focus is on fire safety while the historic preservation team’s on preservation. Together they must design a solution that meets both of their needs. For example, instead of drilling through structural members, the installation may require additional material to go around the structural member. Additionally, rather than replacing a historic door with a fire-rated door, it may be acceptable to install fire sprinklers on either side of the door.

Visual Appearance

Installed fire protection systems must meet the intent of the code and be aesthetically pleasing all while protecting historic buildings from fires. This is in addition to ensuring that the install maintains the structure’s historic character. Fire sprinkler systems are usually the common cause of this concern but there are a few solutions. The first option, fire sprinkler installations may use copper tubing vs black or galvanized steel pipe to blend into the architectural features. Designers may use faux materials that match the building’s time period to conceal fire sprinkler pipes and conduit. One more popular solution includes installing fire sprinkler heads painted by the manufacturer to match the area. Sometimes electrical conduit may appear too prominently and detract from a significant feature. In some situations, a wireless fire alarm system may solve this problem.

Utilities Capacity

Another challenge of protecting historic buildings from fires includes upgrading utilities. If the facility has poor water pressure, then the newly installed fire sprinkler system is useless. The fire protection experts must evaluate whether it’s necessary to install a larger underground line or whether an additional line will meet the requirement. In some cases, the best solution may include installing a fire pump. Regarding fire alarm systems, the electrical panel must have spare capacity to power the system.

Fire protection system installations and upgrades are difficult in historic structures. These projects require a diversely skilled team to design creative solutions to overcome these challenges. They must work together to ensure these systems provide adequate fire protection without damaging or alerting the distinct character of the building. Protecting historic buildings from fires poses many challenges that only an experienced team can overcome.

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