Fire alarm systems play a critical role in notifying a facility’s occupants that there’s a fire. This is why it’s critical to service these systems at the proper interval requirements. But how do you know whether the fire alarm technician meets the qualification requirements for servicing fire alarm systems? There’s a lot of false information surrounding what makes a fire alarm service technician qualified for the job. The following information will clear that up and provide you with the facts that you need to know.

Misconceptions About Who Can Service A Fire Alarm

Unfortunately, there are some misconceptions about what makes someone qualified to service these systems. One common fallacy is that the manufacturer of the fire alarm system and the service provider must be the same company. In other words, only fire alarm technicians who work for the company that produces the system may service it. This is completely false.  These types of fire alarm companies have allowed this misconception to continue. They don’t want their customers to know that other fire alarm service providers are qualified to work on their systems. Another misconception is that only fire alarm technicians factory trained and certified by the system’s manufacturer can service it. Fortunately, there’s more than one fire protection company that can service your system. Now here’s what you need to know to make sure the technician meets the qualification requirements for servicing fire alarm systems.

NFPA 72 Qualification Requirements for Servicing Fire Alarm Systems

What are the qualification requirements for servicing fire alarm systems? According to NFPA 72, qualified fire alarm service personnel must meet one or more of the following:

  1. Factory trained and certified for the specific type and brand of system serviced
  2. Certified by a nationally recognized certification organization acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction
  3. Either individually or through their affiliation with an organization that is registered, licensed, or certified by a state or local authority to perform service on systems addressed within the scope of this code
  4. Employed and qualified by an organization listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory for the servicing of systems within the scope of this code

These systems are an essential part of saving lives during an emergency situation. This makes it important to ensure that technicians meet the qualification requirements for servicing fire alarm systems. Keep these listed fire alarm qualifications in mind. Remember that as long as service personnel meets at least one of these NFPA 72 qualification requirements they can service any fire alarm system brand. You always have a choice when it comes to who you want to service your fire alarm system.

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